Busting Common Insurance Myths with Joseph Hoell Insurance

Insurance Agent Milwaukee WI

Written by Joseph Hoell, Business Owner

Updated on: October 10, 2023

INsurance Myths Detective

Hello, Wisconsin! Ever heard the saying, “Don’t believe everything you hear?” Well, that rings especially true when it comes to insurance myths. These myths can cloud your judgment and potentially lead you to make less-than-ideal insurance decisions. Today, we at Joseph Hoell Insurance are setting the record straight and debunking some of the most common insurance myths out there. Let’s get started!

Myth 1: Red Cars Cost More to Insure

The Truth

Contrary to popular belief, the color of your car has zero impact on your insurance rates. Your insurance premiums are determined by factors such as your driving history, the type of vehicle you own, and your specific coverage needs. So go ahead, get that red sports car if you want to—just drive safely!

Myth 2: Your Home Insurance Covers Flood Damage

The Truth

This one can be tricky. Many homeowners mistakenly believe their standard insurance policy will cover flood damage. In reality, you usually need a separate flood insurance policy, especially if you reside in a flood-prone area. Make sure to double-check your policy and consider adding flood insurance for comprehensive protection.

Myth 3: Insurance Is a “One-Size-Fits-All”

The Truth

Insurance is as unique as the individuals it covers. Just like you wouldn’t wear someone else’s glasses, your insurance needs to fit your life and needs perfectly. That’s why here at Joseph Hoell Insurance, we pride ourselves on offering tailored policies that suit your unique needs, lifestyle, and budget.

Myth 4: Younger Drivers Always Pay More

The Truth

While it’s true that age can influence insurance rates, it’s not the only factor. Younger drivers can benefit from good student discounts and reduced rates for safe driving. Don’t assume that your age automatically places you in a high premium category; you have options!

Myth 5: If My Friend Crashes My Car, Their Insurance Will Cover It

The Truth

This is another myth that can lead to some unfortunate misunderstandings. Generally, it’s your own auto insurance policy that would be responsible for covering damages if a friend crashes your car. Always read your policy thoroughly before lending out your vehicle to understand your liabilities.


We hope this post has cleared up some of the fog surrounding these pervasive insurance myths. The best defense against misinformation is education. If you have any questions or need clarification, Joseph Hoell Insurance is always here to give you the real scoop on all things insurance.

Don’t get trapped by myths; get the coverage that’s designed just for you. Feel enlightened? Reach out to us today and let’s make sure you’re covered in all the right ways!


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