Autumn Driving Hazards in Wisconsin: Is Your Auto Insurance Ready?

Insurance Agent Milwaukee WI

Written by Joseph Hoell, Business Owner

Updated on: August 27, 2024

Autumn driving hazards in Wisconsin

Ah, autumn in Wisconsin is almost here – a time when our beautiful state transforms into a breathtaking canvas of reds, oranges, and golds. But as any seasoned Wisconsinite knows, with this beauty comes a unique set of driving challenges. As we swap our iced coffees for pumpkin spice lattes, it’s time to consider whether our auto insurance is as prepared for fall as we are.

Let’s dive into some of the season’s trickiest driving hazards and make sure you’re covered for whatever Mother Nature throws your way.

The Sneaky Danger of Fallen Leaves

Picture this: You’re cruising down a leaf-covered road, admiring the fall foliage, when suddenly – whoops! – your car starts to skid. Believe it or not, wet leaves can be as slippery as ice. Plus, they love to hide those all-important road markings.

Insurance Tip: Make sure you have comprehensive coverage. It’s a lifesaver for those unexpected skids that might send you off-road.


Oh Deer! Watch Out for Bambi

Fall is prime time for deer-vehicle collisions in Wisconsin. These four-legged friends are especially active during dawn and dusk, often near wooded areas and open fields.

Insurance Consideration: Comprehensive coverage is your best friend here. It covers damage from animal collisions, saving you from a very expensive (and venison-free) accident.


Frost and Black Ice: Winter’s Early Warning

As temperatures drop, be wary of early morning frost, especially on bridges and overpasses. And don’t forget about black ice – that invisible menace that can send even the most careful driver spinning.

Insurance Note: Collision coverage is crucial for these single-vehicle accidents. Trust me, you’ll be glad you have it if you end up in a ditch.


Shorter Days, Longer Nights

Suddenly finding yourself driving to and from work in the dark? You’re not alone. Shorter daylight hours increase the risk of drowsy driving and accidents.

Insurance Tip: Consider personal injury protection. It can be a real lifesaver if fatigue leads to a fender bender.


Fog and Mist: Nature’s Smoke Screen

Wisconsin’s lakes and rivers are beautiful, but they’re also fog machines in the fall. Remember: Low beams are your friend in fog, not high beams!

Insurance Aspect: Strong liability coverage is essential when visibility is low. You never know when you might not see that car in front of you stop suddenly.


Sharing the Road with Farm Equipment

It’s harvest time, which means more tractors and combines on the road. Patience is key when sharing the road with these slow-moving vehicles.

Insurance Consideration: Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage is crucial. Not all farm equipment is properly insured for road use.


The Pressure’s On: Tire Maintenance

As temperatures fluctuate, so does your tire pressure. Proper tire maintenance isn’t just about safety – it can affect your insurance claims too.

Insurance Note: Regular maintenance can positively impact how your insurance company views claims. It shows you’re a responsible driver.


Wrapping Up

Wisconsin’s autumn is a season of unparalleled beauty, but it comes with its fair share of driving challenges. By being aware of these hazards and ensuring your auto insurance is up to snuff, you can enjoy those scenic fall drives with peace of mind.

Why not take a moment to review your policy? Better yet, give us a call. We’d love to chat about your coverage and make sure you’re ready for whatever autumn in Wisconsin might bring. After all, the only surprises you should be dealing with this fall are which pumpkin patch to visit or which apple orchard has the best cider donuts!


Stay safe out there, Wisconsin!


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